Study of Smart Farming Techniques in Drip Irrigation using IoT
Internet of Things (IoT) is well suited to an ineluctably concept in the area of communication. This paper deals with the study of smart farming system through controlling and monitoring the drip irrigation process using IoT. Drip irrigation system typical protocol is distributing water to trickle gradually to the root zone of the sapling and also supply controlled amount of water to the plants. The aim is to water without a moment's delay into the prime zone. This technique limits the evaporation, store more water, increase in productivity and decrease in labor. An irrigation water machine was developed to improve water use for agricultural yields. Smart Farming is the idea that utilizes present day technologies to increase farm produce. Ranchers approach GPS, soil filtering, information management, and Internet of Things advancements. The regularly utilized water system techniques are customary, sprinkler, and drip water system. Every procedure has its own merits and negative marks, contingent upon the dirt, geography, sort of yields, atmosphere, water accessibility and phenomenal, and speculation are used to direct the components for choosing a amount of water required for irrigation system . This paper analyzes drip irrigation techniques for enhancing the maximum yield, identifies the ideal framework and highlighted performance of the irrigation strategies.