Comparative Study of Eel Fish (Anguilla bicolor) Mineral Levels in The Yellow Eel and Silver Eel Phase from Lake Poso

  • Jamaluddin, Dian Safitri, Agustinus Widodo


Minerals are organic nutrients that play an important role in the physiological processes of the body, mineral source can be obtained from Eel fish (Anguilla bicolor) which is known to have a high nutritional content. This study aims to determine the levels of macro minerals and micro minerals of Eel fish from Lake Poso in the yellow eel and silver eel phase. Sampling is done by Purposive sampling technique by choosing the samples among of population according to the desired of researchers, based on the type of weight, size and location of capture. Type of samples taken are eel fish (Anguilla bicolor) in Yellow eel phase (aged 5 - 10 years of length ≤ 30 cm – 60 cm) and Silver eel phases (aged 10- 20 years ≤500 cm to 1.6 m) by using an Inductively Couple Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). The results showed that the mineral content of Eel fish (Anguilla bicolor) in the yellow eel phase was calcium ie 10684.17 mg/kg, phosphorus 5935.13 mg/kg, potassium 1357.37 mg/kg, sodium 654.37 mg/kg, magnesium 342.27 mg/kg, zinc 20.67 mg/kg, and manganese 5.623 mg/kg and silver eel phase namely calcium 3793.30 mg/kg, phosphorus 2976.47 mg/kg, potassium 1507,745 mg/kg, sodium 619.04 mg/kg, magnesium 234.90 mg/kg, zinc 23.90 mg/kg, and manganese 1,800 mg/kg. Significantly difference of minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

How to Cite
Jamaluddin, Dian Safitri, Agustinus Widodo. (2020). Comparative Study of Eel Fish (Anguilla bicolor) Mineral Levels in The Yellow Eel and Silver Eel Phase from Lake Poso. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 11132 - 11138. Retrieved from