Preventing Road Accidents Caused by Drunk Driving Using Machine Learning & Internet of Things

  • Ratnesh Litoriya, Swapnil Soner, Mayank Lovanshi


Increasing road accidents are proved to be a significant concern for every country in the world. India is no more an exception. According to a WHO report, more than 80,000 Indians died in road accidents due to various causes. Drunk driving or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol is a significant cause of such mishappening on roads. This paper attempts to propose a model for preventing such mishap caused by drunken driving using two leading computer technologies, namely IoT and machine learning. The proposed model involves specific sensors and IoT devices to sense the alcohol level of the vehicle driver and applies the ML technique for accurate decision making. The results are calculated in terms of accuracy and seem encouraging to deploy the proposed system in real life.   

How to Cite
Ratnesh Litoriya, Swapnil Soner, Mayank Lovanshi. (2020). Preventing Road Accidents Caused by Drunk Driving Using Machine Learning & Internet of Things . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 11060 - 11070. Retrieved from