Diversified Data Collection through Diversified Mobile Vehiclesin Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks of Smart City
A smart city is deployed by many self-organized wireless sensor networks consists of billions of sensor nodes tosense the status of all kinds of infrastructures in that city. Clustered hierarchical structure of wireless sensor network is considered to cover and sense various parameters of the entire city to take necessary precautions or actions to provide healthy environment to the people. The data collection is very important activity in order to process the data and take necessary actions against it. The proposed model considers three types of data collection, first is real-time data collection through the multi-hop communication, second is non real-time data collection through mobile device called two-in-one-mobile-sink (TIOMS) and the third is event data from the cloud by using the drone node in critical situations. TIOMS serves two purposes, one is data collection from the sensor nodes through the cluster head and the other is charging the sensor nodes. Diversified Data collection through Diversified Mobile vehicles (DDDM)scheme is proposed forwireless sensor networks(WSNs). In which, different types of mobile vehiclesare used to collect different types of data from different hierarchical levels of WSNs. The simulation results show that DDDM scheme is effective for collecting the data from individual WSNS of a smart city with less data delayand more energy efficiency.