Inter Cloud Resource Management Using Agent Communication Protocol

  • Dr. L. Rahunathan, Ms. K. S. Tharshana, Ms. R. Deepika, Ms. Yokha


The cloud computing environment shares a variety of hardware and software resources. The inter cloud is a cloud of clouds constructed to support resource sharing between the clouds. The resources under the inter cloud environment are managed in distributed model without any central authority. The inter cloud communication and resource identification is a complex task. The software agents are small piece of code that can be used to perform any task. The agent models are applied to execute the tasks as small fragments for a specified requirement.

            The inter cloud resource management services are build to perform resource discovery, match, select, composition, negotiate, schedule and monitor operations. The software agents are built with decision making and agent interaction features. The agent communications are carried out with coordination, cooperation and negotiation models. The Agent Based Cloud Computing (ABCC) framework is constructed to handle the resource allocation operations under the inter cloud environment. The agent interaction operations are performed without any predefined rules and standards. All the communication operations are initiated with their own communication models.

            The inter cloud resource management framework is composed to solve the resource management and communication needs. The data and resource management tasks are carried out with a set of agents. The Agent Communication Protocol (ACP) is designed to support agent interaction needs. The resource management agents are interacted with the rules and standards of Agent Communication Protocol (ACP). The inter cloud and intra cloud resource information are passed through the agents. The inter cloud resource management framework is build with Java language, CloudSim simulation library and Oracle relational database.

How to Cite
Dr. L. Rahunathan, Ms. K. S. Tharshana, Ms. R. Deepika, Ms. Yokha. (2020). Inter Cloud Resource Management Using Agent Communication Protocol. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 10687 -. Retrieved from