Analysis of Factors that Can Affect the Income of Superior Commodity Farmers in Bali
Analyze the factors of the role of government, cooperatives, communities and other factors such as labor, land, and the use of pesticides that affect the income of leading commodity farmers in Bali. Research sites are located in rice , soybean, shallot and corn farming in Bali. This research was conducted in November-December 2014 and January 2015. This study used a regression analysis method. The research population is 6,765 farmers in Bali. While the sample used was 176 farmers randomly in the study location. The role of government, the role of cooperatives , the community and other factors consisting of land suitability, availability of labor, fertilizer, pesticides, and capital affect the high and low income of farmers of the four commodities, be it corn, rice, soybeans, or shallots. Authenticity in this research that involves all four agricultural commodities in one study. Agricultural commodities consisting of corn farmers, rice farmers, soybean farmers and onion farmers.
Keywords:The role of government, role of cooperatives , Role of Civil Society, Commodities Farmers