Semantic Classificationsof the Assamese and Nepali Onomatopoeia: A Comparative Study
Onomatopoeic words are known more as a harmony of the sounds. The sounds assimilated in the onomatopoeic words are in one hand, the imitation of the naturally audible sounds and on the other hand, are the representation of the minutest feelings of the human mind.
Assamese and Nepali are two of the modern Indian languages that fallsunder the category of the Indo-European. The onomatopoeic words are occupying a greater portion of both these languages’ vocabulary. In this paper, we have attempted to highlight the semantic classification of the onomatopoeic words.
A comparative discussion of the onomatopoeic words created from the imitated sounds of the onomatopoeic words of Assamese and Nepali languages and the ones created from the minutest feelings of thesenses is being presented here by classifying them into two categories for which the analytical and comparative methodologies are being implemented.