Intrusion Detection Methodology using Efficient Data Mining Techniques

  • A. Peda Gopi, V. Lakshman Narayana, B. Naga Sudheer, K. Chaitanya


Numerous PC frameworks use client IDs , passwords for login advisers for assert clients. Regardless, different individuals distributes the login structures with partners and solicitation these associates to help co-tries, subsequently making security weak. Moreover, a few examinations announced that isolating structure calls (SCs) made by headings can see these orientation, with which to conclusively perceive assaults, and snare plans are the highlights of a strike. A Internal Intrusion Detection and Security System (IIDPS), is proposed to perceive insider ambushes at SC level by utilizing information mining and real systems. The IIDPS makes clients' precious profiles to screen clients' use affinities as their genuine highlights and picks if an impressive login client is the record holder or not by looking/her present PC use practices with the points of reference collected in the record holder's very close profile.

How to Cite
A. Peda Gopi, V. Lakshman Narayana, B. Naga Sudheer, K. Chaitanya. (2020). Intrusion Detection Methodology using Efficient Data Mining Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 9471 - 9477. Retrieved from