Empowering of OSH Green Environment in Melaka SME Manufacturing Sectors

  • Khoo Nee Kah, Norida Abdullah, Hanipah Hussin


Empowering of OSH and green environment is so important in Malaysia workplace, especially in SME Melaka manufacturing sector, Melaka Small and Medium organization around 22,000 units. 1500 is small and medium manufacturing sector(www.perangkaan.gov.my / www.smidec.gov.my 2017),in this study, researcher would like to include the compliance practices as a new parameter in order to improve the awareness and conforming to create a clean and healthy environment in the workplace towards sustainable development. There are four components as understanding, commitment, practice and behavior influence with new strategies to improvement of reducing of OSH and Green environment case in the workplace towards regulatory compliance. Researcher found that with good compliance will reduce the accident case at the workplace. Guided Self Regulation Environmental Management Tools (EMT) will be using to promote OSH environment at Small and Medium Melaka manufacturing sector through several management practices such as training and safety management, understanding of self-regulation, enforcement, collaboration with DOSH or DOE and auditing towards sustainable development. EMT has seven elements to measure the compliance of OSH manufacturing workplace towards green environment. The benefits of this practices and tools bring a solution for both parties (Melaka Government and Small and Medium manufacturing sector). The purpose of this research is to examine how SME manufacturing sector in Melaka manages Occupational Safety and Health (O.S.H) Green Environment towards sustainable development. Throughout this research, the researcher is going to analyze the major problem in SME manufacturing sector as accident case keeps increase reported accident case in SME manufacturing rate 50% - 80 % higher than big company (Kelly Koh2017), due to lacking management and conforming to the basic requirement, poor connecting monitoring between industrial and enforcement department, no benchmarking on OSH and environment, lack of promoting safe work environment and culture practice at workplace.

How to Cite
Khoo Nee Kah, Norida Abdullah, Hanipah Hussin. (2020). Empowering of OSH Green Environment in Melaka SME Manufacturing Sectors. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3639-3645. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/24413