Torrefaction of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch via Furnace: Influence of Heating Temperature and Residence Time on Surface Morphology and Bonding Behavior
This study was conducted to identify the potential of torrefied oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) biochar as a renewable energy sources by underwent torrefaction process based on holding temperature and residence time. The process has been carried out within holding temperature varied from 200 to 300°C in the absence of oxygen under low heating rate by using furnace in 30 to 90 minutes of their residence time, respectively. In brief, this study focused on the morphology as well as the bonding behavior of the torrefied OPEFB biochar due to its properties and functional groups in order to enhance the potential of the OPEFB as renewable energy sources by the aids of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). SEM images showed the surface morphology of OPEFB after undergo torrefaction by which it was completely decomposed by initiating pores while the structure become flattened with almost left sharp edge compared to the raw OPEFB. The changes of presence functional groups before and after the torrefaction process were observed under certain wavelength which were C=O (17501680cm-1), N-H (3500-3100cm-1) and C-N (1350-1000cm-1). These functional groups determined the changes of functional groups as well as the wavelength whereby the degradation of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin take place.