Application of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving on Geothermal Air-Conditioning System

  • Adhiraaj Sinh Solanki, Anil Pratap Sinh Solanki


Theory of Inventive Problem Solving is the general, English-language interpretation of a Russian problem-solving and abstraction analysis tool and framework known as ‘TRIZ’ (теория решения изобретательских задач originally in Cyrillic). This research endeavour aims to apply a variety of the sub-topics included in the complete tool of TRIZ on a novel and pivoted concept of Geothermal Air-Conditioning, which is under development by “EarthBattery” at the time of writing this paper. It is to be noted however, that the sub-topics falling under the scope of “application” are bounded to ‘Level 1’ of TRIZ and have much room for further and detailed analysis. The application of TRIZ in this research paper deals with evaluation of the Geothermal Air-Conditioning System on the basis of the following TRIZ-integrations: Multi-Screen Operator Window, Function Analysis, Component Model, Interaction Matrix, Function Model, List of Disadvantages, Cause-Effect Chains Analysis, Trimming, Resolving Engineering Contradictions, Altshuller’s 39x39 Contradictions Matrix and the 40 Inventive Principles. The methodologies used during this research endeavour include the use of primary data acquired via Level 1 Certification Course on TRIZ & the ‘InnovationNavigator’ software and the use of secondary data acquired on Geothermal Air-Conditioning & its techno-commercial market in India. By the conclusion of this paper, an analysis based on abstract inventive & innovation-centric principles and observed patterns would be arrived at, for the evaluation of the conceptualized Geothermal Air-Conditioning System.

Keywords: Engineering Contradictions, Inventive Principles, Geothermal Air-Conditioning, TRIZ

How to Cite
Adhiraaj Sinh Solanki, Anil Pratap Sinh Solanki. (2020). Application of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving on Geothermal Air-Conditioning System. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3798 - 3824. Retrieved from