Factors affecting Shopping cart abandonment: Influence on Need-Based shoppers and Good-to-have Shoppers
This research paper explores the various factors influencing the decision to abandon the shopping cart without making any online purchase. Two different types of shoppers- Need-based shoppers and good-to-have shoppers were studied along with the factors. The primary data was obtained from subjects participating in study through a structured quantitative questionnaire identifying different factors affecting the cart abandonment. Likert’s 7-points scale was used for better precision and the internal consistency was checked through Cronbach’s alpha. Further, to compare means and standard deviation for each factor in both the groups independent t-test was applied and studied. Further, factor analysis was applied on the data to reduce the factors to theme-based principle components. Results obtained from this study reveals the significant difference between the two groups for certain factors, such as hidden delivery charges. The findings of this paper can be utilised by the companies to create their shopping cart abandonment programs to stop their loss of revenues.
Keywords: Cart Abandonment, Online purchase, online shopping, factors, need-based shoppers, good-to-have shoppers