Entrepreneurship Development Based On Local Potential and Partnership Network

  • Nani Sutarni, Dayat Hidayat, Achmad Hufad, Abdul Rahmat


The development of community entrepreneurship will grow and develop if it involves the community in identifying local potentials and strengthening partnership networks. In reality, how does the development of community entrepreneurship provide broad opportunities for every individual to develop the potential of local human and natural resources and strengthen the partnership network as business capital? The objectives of this study are 1) to analyze local entrepreneurship-based entrepreneurship training, 2) partnership network-based entrepreneurship training, and 3) the impact of entrepreneurship training on empowering local communities. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach to the case study method in CLC Assolahiyah. The research instrument uses observation, interviews and documentation studies. Research data were analyzed through stages of data collection, data display, data reduction, and conclusion or data verification. The results of the study concluded that 1) entrepreneurship training based on local potential was carried out by identifying and utilizing local human and natural resources that could be utilized to develop community entrepreneurship. 2) partnership-based entrepreneurship training is carried out by utilizing government and non-government institutions to work together to develop community entrepreneurship, and 3) the impact of entrepreneurship training based on local potential and partnership networks can provide prosperity for local communities. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Development, Local Potential, Partnership Network

How to Cite
Nani Sutarni, Dayat Hidayat, Achmad Hufad, Abdul Rahmat. (2020). Entrepreneurship Development Based On Local Potential and Partnership Network. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3098-3114. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/22485