The Utilization of Cattails (Typha Angustifolia l.) as an Ingredient in Planting Material for Petunias (Petunia Hybida)

  • Sawat Pimsuwan


This study examines the suitability of the cattail weed as a natural material to substitute for coconut husks as an ingredient of planting material. The number of coconut palms has been decreasing which means raw coconut husks have been decreasing accordingly. The Cattail is an interesting weed for this study. It grows well in wetlands found around the world. In Thailand, these plants are an invasive species affecting the ecosystem by causing water sources to be reduced. This research specifically studies the utilization of cattail leaves for ingredient of planting material for petunias, which are decorative flowers in pots. The experimental design for each of the ornamental plants was RCBD and was composed of 9 planting material formulas, 4 replications, and a total of 72 trials. The test differences were analyzed using DMRT. The planting materials consisted of crushed clay, rice husk charcoal, coconut coir dust, chopped coconut husks, compost, 2 and 4 cm long chopped cattail leaves and 2 and 4 cm long chopped fermented cattail leaves. The research showed that chopped cattail leaves for ingredient of planting material, can produce the growth of petunias and therefore can be used instead of chopped coconut husks.

Keywords: cattail, plant material, potted plants, flower plants.

How to Cite
Sawat Pimsuwan. (2020). The Utilization of Cattails (Typha Angustifolia l.) as an Ingredient in Planting Material for Petunias (Petunia Hybida). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 2728 - 2734. Retrieved from