A Study on Performance of Primary Land Development Banks (PLDBs) in Shivamogga district of Karnataka

  • Vidya K, Ravindranath N Kadam


Co-operation is a form of organization where in persons voluntarily associate together based on equality for the promotion of their economic interest. Under this system, people with limited means are benefitted more. ‘One for all and all for one’ is the philosophy and principle of co-operation. Generally,Indian farmers need three types of credit, viz., short-term, medium-term and long-term. Their short-term and medium-term credit requirements are fulfilled by the co-operative banking institutions like PACs, CCBs and SCBs and long term loans are provided by Land development banks. The long-term finance required by the agriculturists for the purchase of agricultural machinery and for effecting permanent improvements on land.  :  The main objective of the land development bank is to promote the development of agriculture and increase the agricultural production. The CLDBs provide long-term finance to PLDBs affiliated to them or finance directly through their branches. Primary cooperative Agricultural and Rural development banks are playing an important role in meeting the credit requirements of the rural population. Present study makes an attempt to analyses the growth of these banks in Shivamogga Taluka over a period of nine years (2010 to 2019). The study revealed that although there is an increase in this paper deals with the Demand Collection and Balance Share capital ,Membership that particularly so overall in this various dimension on of working PCARDBs in Karnataka. In this paper, an attempt is made to evaluate the general performance of PLDBs of Shivamoggataluk, Shivamogga district of Karnataka state. The analysis is done on the basis of the statistical data for the period of 9years (2010-11 to 2018-19). Different aspects concerned to the PLDBs such as number, membership, paid up capital, working capital, deposits, loan disbursed and loan recovered have been considered in this study.

Keywords: Co-Operation, Deposit, Organization, Recover performance, Working capital.

How to Cite
Vidya K, Ravindranath N Kadam. (2020). A Study on Performance of Primary Land Development Banks (PLDBs) in Shivamogga district of Karnataka. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 2378 - 2389. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20179