A New Fuzzy Divergence Model and Its Applications in Decision Making Problems and Pattern Recognition

  • Om Parkash, Rakesh Kumar


It is experimental that in pragmatic situations, a solitary mathematical model measuring distance in probability space may be inappropriate one. This enthusiasm encourages us to commence new divergence model so as to persuade elasticity in diverse disciplines. The comprehensive learning of scrupulous properties for the legitimacy of distance model in fuzzy environment is one of the research problems towards application areas. The foremost intention of the present paper is a movement in this direction. We have made functional the newly created distance model to the disciplines of decision making problem and pattern recognition. To demonstrate the projected technique for solution, we have made numerical illustration. 

Keywords: Probability spaces, Fuzzy entropy, Distance model, Decision making problems, Pattern recognition.

How to Cite
Om Parkash, Rakesh Kumar. (2020). A New Fuzzy Divergence Model and Its Applications in Decision Making Problems and Pattern Recognition. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4s), 3756 - 3763. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/20175