A Detailed Survey on Video Compression Techniques Towards Efficient Transmission

  • J.Aruna, C. Jeyalakshmi, K.Priyadarshini, A.Revathi


This paper presents a detailed review on various methods of video compression technique to optimize the transmission and storage in networks. In general, any video is considered as a sequence of images or frames which occupies higher storage and incur higher bandwidth requirements. In order to store a video or transmit them, there will be higher overhead in terms of storage or network bandwidth identified. This encourages the researchers to find a way to reduce the overhead in multiple directions. However, maintaining the quality and lossless compression has been identified as key issue. According to this, various research articles are analyzed and considered for the survey. This paper reviews various methods of video compression and presents a comparative study around different factors.

How to Cite
J.Aruna, C. Jeyalakshmi, K.Priyadarshini, A.Revathi. (2020). A Detailed Survey on Video Compression Techniques Towards Efficient Transmission . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 9080 - 9088. Retrieved from https://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/12388