Enhancing Efficiency And Security Threats In Joint Cloud Storage Data Deduplication

  • Sreedhar V., Nageswara Rao Putta


Cloud storage services have  become indispensable in resolving the constraints of local storage  and ensuring data accessibility from anywhere at any time. Data deduplication technology is utilized to decrease  storage  space and bandwidth requirements. This technology has the potential to save up to 90% of space by eliminating redundant data  in cloud  storage. The secure data  sharing in cloud (SeDaSC) protocol is an efficient  data-sharing solution supporting secure deduplication. In the SeDaSC protocol,  a cryptographic server (CS) encrypts clients’ data on behalf of clients to reduce their  computational overhead, but this essentially requires complete trust in the CS. Moreover, the SeDaSC protocol  does not consider data deduplication. To address these issues, we propose a secure deduplication protocol based on the SeDaSC protocol that minimizes the computational cost of clients while  leveraging trust in the CS. Our  protocol enhances data  privacy and  ensures computational efficiency  for clients.  Moreover, it dynamically manages client ownership, satisfying forward and backward secrecy.
