Awareness of Cough Etiquettes Amongst Community InCovid 19 Crisis- A Tele Health Survey

  • Pournima Pawar, Mahendra Shende, Rasika Kaluskar


Background: Now adays Covid-19 cases are increasing in the world, more than 215 countries are affected by corona virus outbreak. Currently no medications were recommended for treatment of Covid-19. Cough etiquette is a series of actions to take if you are coughing or sneezing, which are designed to reduce the spread of respiratory illness to others. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among general community for 6 months . Ethical clearance was taken from the Institutional Ethical Committee. Using purposive sampling, a total of 110 participants, more than 18 years of age were found to be available as the study sample. Each participant was then interviewed via telehealth survey with the help of a semi-structured questionnaire after obtaining their written informed consent. Data was collected and statistically analyzed. Result: Out of 111 subjects, 83% were females and 17% were male, 97.3% subjects were aware about cough etiquettes and were practicing it, 60 subjects were using face mask, 47 subjects were using tissue or handkerchief for covering mouth and nose, and 4 were using hands for covering mouth and nose, 83 subjects were coughed or sneezed in sleeves when tissue/ handkerchief was not available, 27 subjects were avoided to cough/sneeze in public and 1 subject didn’t use anything, 66 subjects were using soap and water to maintain hand hygiene and 45 were using sanitizer/ disinfectant. Conclusion: In this study we concluded that community is aware about cough etiquettes and practicing it.
