A Review on Industry 4.0 Standard Implementation for Product Based Industries

  • Hitesh Kaikade, Vikram Ambatkar, Chandrashekhar Zade, Tushar Maske, Nitesh Nagdeote, Akshay Kamble, Prof. Pranali Langde


Businesses that focus on manual, paper-based data collecting are suddenly slipping behind digitally upgraded competitors. Companies and industries that rely on paper-based operator rounds are not immune. In 1990, internet technology provided businesses with a faster, quicker, and less expensive means of communicating and sharing information. Factories are getting more efficient and "smart" as computers and cloud technology are used. The Industry 4.0 concept is the fourth industrial revolution, utilising the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber physical systems. Standards are critical to implementing the vision of Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 is the most recent phase for the manufacturing sector, brought about by the Internet of Things (IoT) and data accessibility. In industry 4.0, everything is getting smarter, and data is generated at all levels of the production process, resulting in an increase in data volume. There is currently no system for logging onto live data generated by industrial machinery. Some manual data kept on the local server will be inaccessible from locations other than the local LAN connection. This is IoT at work, made possible by real-time data digitalization and centralised access to that data on the Cloud. In this case, an effort has been made to design a system that will sense live data created by many types of machinery in the industry, such as temperature, humidity, and various gases, and transfer the live data to the cloud using the appropriate protocol. The data should be accessible at all times and from any location. This is an improvement. Greater data transparency receives and responds in real-time to inspection data Increased compliance, increased operating efficiency, Cost savings and increased profitability Increased worker productivity and safety; simple to deploy and scale.
