Transformational leadership, job satisfaction and employee commitment in the health sector

  • Robert, Anamuweh Banayem


The goal of this research was to examine the relationship in selected hospitals in Ghana between transformational leadership behaviour, job satisfaction and employee commitment. The surveys used in this analysis are 240 respondents. The method used to gather the participants' data is questionnaires to eliminate any gaps in perception between the participant and the researcher. Therefore, the analytical model used is SPSS with the theory and definition basis, from the Amos software kit so that the tests are reliable. It was found that, the participants' overall response, workers at the selected hospitals believe that this company has leaders with a strong transformative leadership style, and this leadership style can have major impacts on employee satisfaction at work. It was limited in sample size and number of organizations and countries used. Future research should also concentrate on the private hospitals in Ghana and should be compared with the results from these public hospitals.
