Implementation of Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis Expert System Using Fuzzy Logic (Sugeno) Method Web-Based

  • Ferly Ardhy, Nur Aminudin, Zulkifli, Fahlul Rizki, Dwi Feriyanto, Ancolo, Pamuji Setiawan, Indriyani, Miftachul Huda, Andino Maseleno


Diabetes Mellitus disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world. From year to year, the number of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers is increasing. The cause is an unhealthy lifestyle and delay in detecting symptoms. This is because a person often does not realize that he/she has Diabetes Mellitus disease. Based on this condition, the researcher designed an application using the expert system of Fuzzy Logic Sugeno method to help detect this high-risk disease. In general, this web-based application can be used as a tool to diagnose Diabetes Mellitus disease
