Comparison of Seismic Analysis Response of Multi-Storied Building with and without liquid damper in various seismic zones using STAADPRO
The project aim is to study the effectiveness of structure with and without using Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLD) in reducing the seismic vibration of a building when it is subjected to horizontal sinusoidal excitation. Tuned liquid damper is a passive damping device that consists of movable tanks filled with liquid to suppress the horizontal vibration of structures using the sloshing effect of water. Usually tuned damper are connected on the top of main structure. In the present work, the structure with and without tuned liquid damper buildings of G+30 storey height structural model are considered. Also a comparison on the basis of various liquid damper and parameters such as base shear, storey drift , etc considered. The vulnerability of with and without tuned liquid damper structures are analysed in various seismic zone. Zone consider are zone 2 and zone 4 respectively. The analysis is carried out by Staadpro software.