Three-dimensional (3D) printing an additive manufacturing technique which has been around for few decades but it’s capabilities to produce complex structures as required by consumer and industries from a 3D computer-aided design model without the need of any tooling, dies and heavy machinery makes it a step-up to the present manufacturing techniques. In the world of developing technologies, 3D printing will soon be replacing our conventional manufacturing system consisting of casting, forging and will also be able to deliver better results then CNC machining. With extreme versatility, ease of manufacturing, rapid process and accelerate innovation, reduced energy and material consumption, this automated manufacturing process is being currently incorporated into industries like Prototyping, Automobile, Medical, Aviation and space exploration industry. Additive manufacturing has also reduced the need for human resources, huge capital investment and need for additional framework. For more than 25 years a concentrated research, development and use of additive manufacturing has resulted into a fully mature manufacturing techniques with endless capabilities. Through this article the latest research trends in advance printing techniques such as SLS, DLP, LOM are reviewed along with their future prospects. The article also presents a study on different materials available for printing application as per the end product requirements. Finally, this paper gives a brief description of some advance developing materials such as composites (ABS with Chopped/Continuous carbon fire or Graphene) and Nanocomposites incorporation Carbon nanotube (CNTs). A detailed comparison of advantages and drawbacks along with their properties of different materials is bestow for the readers.