Investigation of the Drop Deformation Conditions in a Vortex Granulator: Theoretical Model and Software for Calculation
This paper presents a study on the conditions for drop deformation in a vortex granulator. A theoretical description of the drop deformation process is provided. To determine the maximum velocity of the gas flow, which meets the nondeformity condition for the motionless drop, the analysis of forces influencing the shape of the drop is required. By this means, depending on the velocity of the gas flow motion (the relative velocity) and a field of the gas flow pressure at this velocity, it is possible to find the radiuses of curvature of the ellipsoid drop. The results of the drop size calculation were obtained with the use of the author’s product Equilibrium of drop©. To ensure the stability of the drop shape in a granulator, the zone of its formation and the zone of “active” granulation, where the drop falls, are separated. A new method of granulation in a vortex gas flow with the use of a two-zone vortex granulator is presented.