Artificial Intelligence Based Techniques To Prevent The Spread Of The Covid-19 Pandemic
A Pandemic engenders unusual challenge to conveyance of provision of medical care of
our health. All these challenges are faced by workers which are limited in number. Covid-19
(Corona) becomes pandemic as it spreads throughout the world. With appearance of novel
disease that covid-19 pandemic, whole world has facing critical situation from last few months
ago. Now days, as every industry looks for an advance technique to observe/monitor and control
the spreading of corona virus pandemic. So solution for this is the artificial intelligence supports
to easy track with identification of the patient which are on high risk and easily useful in case of
real time environment. AI technologies have high potential in improvement in planning, various
treatments and reports about the covid-19 patients. Artificial intelligence is one of the important
concept helps us to sort out those issues. Here this paper put the concept of how to maintain the
safe distance to avoid the spreading of covid -19 ( SARS–CoV) virus using the artificial
intelligence. This paper summarized all general concepts related to Artificial intelligence and