A Secure Data Transmission and Effective Heart Disease Monitoring Scheme Using Mecc And Dlmnn In the Cloud with The Help of Iot

  • R.Parthiban, Dr.K.Santhosh Kumar, Dr.R.Sathya , D.Saravanan


Over the past few decades, Heart diseases are the utmost common cause of death worldwide. To lessen the
mortality rate, early detection, and continuous supervision of clinicians are necessary. Internet of things
(IoT) takes a notable role in innumerable healthcare (HC) applications and it functions as a catalyst for
HC. The ubiquitous IoT technologies applied to enhance HC systems inadvertently reveal the information
to disruptive and unpredictable cyber-attacks, which brings out an inaccuracy in disease prediction. To
trounce this drawback, a secure heart disease (HD) monitoring scheme utilizing DLMNN is proposed in
this paper. The proposed work embraces stages like i) patient authentication, ii) data transmission, and iii)
disease prediction. The first patient authentication phase is done with the aid of the SHA512 hashing
algorithm and vigenere cipher to check whether the data is received as of the authorized patient or not.
Once the patient is authorized, the sensor data from the patient is securely sent to a cloud server (CS)
utilizing the MECC algorithm. The data is then retrieved by the hospital management to diagnose the heart
condition of the patients. Subsequently, the data gets decrypted and also classified into a) class 0 and b)
class 1 by executing training process and testing process. Then, the outcomes are evaluated by analyzing
the performance rendered by the proposed MECC and DLMNN techniques utilizing the performance
measures such as encryption and decryption time, precision, accuracy, recall, security level, etc. Hence,
the proposed scheme renders a better outcome on considering other techniques.
