An Empirical Study On Organizational Climate Of The Select Sugar Mills In Tamil Nadu



Sugar is one of the world's oldest commodities, and it originated in India in the 4th century AD. Sugar was made only from sugarcane in those days. India, like sugar from sugar beets, lost its initiatives to the European, American and oceanic nations. India, along with Brazil in terms of production, is currently the dominant player in the global sugar industry. There is a highly fragmented Indian sugar industry with organized and unorganized players. Guru and Khaddar, the less processed types of sugar, are the main items of the unorganized players. The government had a commanding hold on the industries, which gave way to liberalization slowly and steadily. The sugar industry is an agro-based industry with great potential for production and enormous employment. The sugar industry is the foundation of every nation with a tradition of agriculture. Two-third of the total Indian population in our country is engaged in these agro-based industries. In earning foreign exchange, the sugar industry plays an important role. Apart from text tails, the sugar industry is the largest industry in the manufacturing sector, employing a shortage of qualified & unskilled employees and thousands of technicians. In addition, there are several thousands of individuals involved in the exchange of sugar, the transport of sugar cane, and even by products such as alcohol, biogases, etc. The research aims to examine the organizational climate of the sugar industry, such as the organizational structure, the working atmosphere and the organizational climate dimension of Tamil Nadu’s select sugar industry.
