Preparation and antimicrobial studies of some metal complexes of 2-(imine-2/3-hydroxybenzene)-3-hydroxyiminobutane

  • Vaishali H. Rajurkar


            Various Schiff bases and their metal complexes have wide applications in various fields such as pharmaceuticals, analytical, clinical, biological etc. due to their biological activity such as antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antidiuretic, antioxidant etc. Reaction between 2,3-Butanedione 3-monoxime, 2/3-hydroxyaniline and Mn(II) and Fe(II) salt gives complexes of the type [ML22(H2O)]. The ligand and the complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements and spectral (I.R., U.V.-Vis.)  analysis. I.R. and U.V-Vis. spectra show bidentate nature of the ligand. The spectral and magnetic study suggests octahedral geometry for all metal complexes. Spectroscopic study indicates coordination occurs through oxime oxygen after deprotonation and nitrogen of azomethine group. The ligand and metal complex were screened for their antimicrobial activity against microorganisms S. aureus (gm positive), P. aeruginosa (gm negative), Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. Both the ligand shows moderate activity against all microorganisms as compared to the standard drugs. Both the ligands and their Mn(II) complexes behave as good antimicrobial agent as compared to Fe(II) complexes..
