Integrity Verification In Patient Medical Records Using Blockchain

  • Mr.K.Kalaiarasan , U.S.Abishek , B.Balaji , S.Karthikeyan , I.Naveenraam


A patient’s scientific file identifies the patient and it includes statistics concerning the patient’s case history information along with medical records, care or remedies received, take a look at results, diagnoses and medications taken They contain highly secured private information and thus, must be kept securely. This information regarding the patient records can be misused or stolen or even lost because of the third party access. If the medical information is not updated on time, the patients have to face problems while applying insurance. Normally, we store our records using cloud storage or in a database. But the demands and usage is getting increased now a days, they became the major targets for hacks and data breaches. Thus, the data can be misused or tampered. Since the keys will be stored with cloud service provider during encryption, the security provided by the encryption is also reduced. Also the data will not be encrypted during transmission. Hence it may be misused when it gets transmitted from user to cloud. So to overcome these issues and to make it more secure and faster we store the patient records on the Blockchain. Thus, by implementing the patient records on Blockchain we can overcome the various issues on integrity and security. The data encryption is been done before transmitting so that security of the records can be improved.
