Color Blindness Detection Using Color Enhancement techniques

  • Mrs. Divyashree .R , Mr.Harish. Patil , Mr. Vinodkumar H. Bhutnal


            Color enhancement and feature extraction are used in many application areas. Color Vision Deficiency is one of the biggest problems across the globe there are several types of CVD’s with difference in their parameters based on the conditions of the patients such as monochromacy, dichromacy, trichromacy as parental disorders within which there exists certain other subtypes based on the functionality of certain proportions of people with based upon spectrum analysis and wavelength adjustment for each affected patients depending upon the colors which hit the wrong rods and cones the feature extraction used will replace the particular color from the spectral data and replace it with the correct color after simulation and processing. It uses MATLAB software based on the system specification and processing it will thereby improve the efficiency and functioning of the simulation of the images and the videos. The feature extraction used there by helps in studying the different types of CVD’s and based upon the type of diseases it performs RGB to LMS color bifurcation and helps in change of scale of color processing so that the particularly affected patients featured upon the deficiency in the colors can thereby after processing and simulation of the different images and the video can see perfect shade upon the re colored frames of the images and other modes of files.
