Strategy To Control Pollution Level In Our Environment By Using Cloud Computing & Mobile Adhoc Network Routing Using Multipath Vector Routing Protocol (Eeala-Aomdv) To Enhance Communication System
A motor vehicle emission produces of many air pollutants especially by internal combustion engines. And it is increasing every year. Each state has different licensing laws, continuing education requirements, training and testing requirements prior to issuing a license. So RFID is the powerful media for this air Pollution related issues can be controlled by using the cloud computing based Nano sensors attached with IOT Module. RFID frequency identification emerges together to find the solution for the Air pollution control in Individual customer vehicles automatically. All the pollution control monitoring data will be stored in common think speak cloud database. . The data stored in the Think Speak Cloud Data can be accessed by multi channel database. The IOT based RFID sensor module is placed in toll booth collection centre and traffic light signal area. When the vehicle cross any traffic light signal and toll booth area by using our proposed project module it will check the pollution exhaustion level of the vehicle and update the information in the cloud database. If the vehicle exhibits more exhaustion of gas it intimates to the particular police station and to the owner of the vehicle about the over exhaustion of gases in his vehicle. In our proposed project module we are using a new and latest prominent nano sensor to identify the gas exhaustion in the Vehicle and collected details will be stored in a common cloud database. And data has been collected from various places in the Metropolitan city and to find the shortest path to travel here we are using a routing algorithm such as multipath vector routing protocol (EEALA-AOMDV) to enhance communication and Fastest routing algorithm to update the cloud data base system frequently. It will work well in all suitable weather conditions. In this module we are using semi passive RFID tag which gives a unique Identification of every vehicle. By using this module it can store the vehicle owner name, driving license, Registration certificate of the vehicle and insurance details etc. By using this we can store the all details of the vehicle owner with the help of common transport management cloud computing database system. This paper has been carried out with a purpose to understand benefits of the RFID & IOT based Nano sensor technology in other countries and to identify readiness of India in exploiting it. Read more: In India Air Pollution realed issues are doubled every year due to increase in population. RFID reader and monitoring hardware is placed in all the traffic signals, Toll Gates and Parking areas. It reads the tag while the vehicle crossing the system and checks the date expiry of insurance and smoke test status. If any issues, it will alert the traffic moderators. Then necessary action will be taken by traffic and transport control department. The data stored in the Think Speak Cloud Data can be accessed by multi channel database. And data has been collected from various places in the Metropolitan city and to find the shortest path to travel here we are using an routing algorithm such as multipath vector routing protocol (EEALA-AOMDV) to enhance communication and Fastest routing algorithm to update the cloud data base system frequently. In MANET ,node within its transmission range can be communicated directly and the nodes that are out of its transmission range may be communicate via other intermediate nodes .In many cases reactive routing protocol in MANET uses AOMDV for route discovery ,but it may lead to routing overhead due to flooding of RREQ and RREP packet. A node consumes some energy level for receiving and forwarding data packets. A path loss may happen due draining of node energy level or node moves out of coverage area. In our proposed system, novel Enhanced Energy and load aware adhoc on demand multi path distance vector routing (EEALA-AOMDV) protocol is used for minimizing path loss and routing overhead. In this instead of broadcasting RREQ packet, we are going to multicast only to few neighbor nodes. The neighbor node is selected based on the energy level, available node inter queue space and location of the destination node.