Detection of Tomato Plant Diseases using Convolution Neural Networks Approach
One of the severe issues in the horticulture division is plant illnesses. These plant maladies can be
brought about by different factors, for example, infections, microscopic organisms, growth. The location
of different sicknesses of plants is fundamental to forestall the harms that it makes plants in the end to the
ranchers and horticulture biological system. This task intended to characterize and distinguish the plant
maladies naturally. Picture handling is the primary procedure of the venture, which contains picture
procurement, altering picture ROI. Here, python programming language, open cv library is utilized to
control crude info picture. To prepare on CNN design and making an AI model that can foresee the sort
of ailments, picture information is gathered from the validated online source. This venture is centred
around gathering the information of sicknesses in tomato plants and train a model for ailments
identification. YOLO object identification calculation is utilized to prepare a model and anticipate
illnesses in the tomato plant