Gold Ratıo In Vısual Arts And Its Use In Graphıc Desıgns
Today, while seeking harmony between science and art; it is necessary to see the common points in the way they express themselves. These are perspective, proportion and symmetry, which are the basis of art and science. The numbers of nature are included in perspective, proportion and symmetry. Dynamic symmetry and golden ratio are obtained thanks to the numbers expressed with the Fibonacci sequence. 300 years after the Fibonacci sequence was formulated, master Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci stated the shapes related to the golden ratio in his book "De divine proportione".
However, today's mathematics of Fibonacci and the art of Leonardo da Vinci should not be accepted as a criterion in the combination of science and art. In many fields, art and science are integrated in architecture, biology, chemistry, engineering, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and physics.
Symmetry and order are quite common in the studies made in nature. To study the beauties of nature, it is enough to look at the snowflakes, pine cone, the spirals in the horns of some animals, the bidirectional winding in the middle of the sunflower and chamomile, the shells, the geometric structure in the honeycombs, the developments in plants and tree branches, and most importantly, the ratio and harmony in the human body.
Protagoras’ expression of “human is the measure of everything” explains the harmonious beauty in terms of art and science.