Formalization of controlling influence for digitalization and automation of social systems management

  • Samosudov et. al


Using the modeling method and a comprehensive mathematical model of a social system that functions in an active environment, the control vector parameters implementing the manager’s controlling influence to correct the social system movement to its target state are determined. The sufficiency of this set of parameters for correcting the trajectory of the social system in the phase space is shown. It is shown that components of the control vector defined in the work affect the phase variables (parameters) of the social system and, thus, the result of its functioning is the incoming resource flow, of which the incoming cash flow is a part.

Certain parameters of the controlling influence allow, firstly, to formalize it for accounting in the database, and secondly, to calculate either the controlling influence based on a given effect or the effect of the impact.

This allows you to take into account the controlling influence in the digital twin of the enterprise. In addition, formalization of controlling influence allows us to solve problems of formal analysis and synthesis of control for social systems.
