Street Light Intensity Optimizer and Pollution Moniotoring Using IoT

  • A.Tamilselvi et al.


The main concept of scheming an innovative system for the street light that do not set away an
enormous quantity of electrical energy and ignite big area with the highest intensity of light is pertaining
to in the operational area. At present we have maintained a manual system where the street lights will be
ON/OFF and due to this system the most of the power will be wasted and also it emits high carbon dioxide.
This project mainly focussed on reducing power wastage with increasing the light intensity during the
movement of vehicles only. The proposed system give a result for power saving and also reduce the carbon
dioxide emission. Lighting control systems are projected from saving outlook and the relation to reduce
the carbon dioxide emission is been consign. In this project Light Dependent Resistor is used to indicate a
sunlight hours/hours of darkness and the Infrared sensors used to sense the progress of vehicles on the
street. The lightning source is LED considering its photometric such as effectiveness, life span, cost,
efficiency and power consumption. This will be help in monitor and control the street light system and also
this will help in monitor and controlling of street light system and imperfection recognition of the lights
through IoT module. Whenever the vehicle is recognised on the road immediately infrared sensor sends
the message to server and it increases the light intensity at the specified duration only. Once if the vehicle
crosses the street light automatically light intensity will decrease during only the night time. During
sunlight hours the system will automatically switched OFF. The existent period data (on/off) of the street
light will be access from anytime, everywhere through IoT and also it observes the CO2 emission through
the IoT.
