A needs analysis of ESL Learners of soil sciences at UAF

  • Noreen Saba et al.


The current research was carried out to get to know about the communicative needs of ESL
learners of soil sciences. The research was done at the department of soil and environmental sciences,
University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan. Needs analysis was carried out with the help of ESL
teachers and ESL learner’s interviews and questionnaires; document analysis of the course (General
English) already taught at the said University to the students of soil sciences and apre-test was also
administered. Qualitative as well as quantitative data was elicited. Using descriptive statistic quantitative
datawas analyzed with SPSS20.0. This was presented in the form of tables and graphs while qualitative
data was analyzed with the help of discussions. The findings of this needs analysis pointed out that ESL
learners of soil sciences had difficulties in expressing themselves in English language and they also had
difficulties in understanding the technical aspects of their relevant field.
