Android Application for Disease Prediction and Medical Prescription
Android Application for Disease Prediction and Medical Prescription contains different health diseases based on their appropriate symptoms and related prescriptions (Medicines) to be taken in order to prevent those diseases. This Application is helpful in urgent / emergency cases if the hospitals are far from their residence and if doctors are not available in right time and area. The patient scan easily identifies the disease by just providing their issues/symptoms and the Application generates what disease he/she may be infected from. It also guides them to be safe and what are the steps to be followed to be away from those diseases. This is most useful to the middle and lower class people in terms of the doctor’s fee, here they can know about the diseases and related medicines to be taken. Due to large amount of data grow thin biomedical and healthcare field providing accurate analysis of medical data that has benefits from early detection, patient care, and community services. Users can post their queries in order to seek information regarding diseases so that user get the proper answer to any kind of question and solving any problem related to the disease. This project allows not only disease prediction but also searching nearby hospitals, ordering medicines, nearest medical shops, vitamins/supplements and feedback of ordered medicines from v the customers.