Smart Monitor System for Diabetes DCM HealthCare using IOT Networking Techniques

  • R.Vajubunnisa Begum et. al


                In recent years, the advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) technology supporting connections of smart objects – things over the internet in a transparent way. Healthcare is one of the application domains in IoT along with sensors, processor aggregator and data storage platform as cloud computing by means of various communication technologies. The main goal of the proposed framework is to monitor the physical parameters such as Blood pressure, Respiratory level, ECG, oxygen level and Glucose level with the help of non – invasive sensors except glucose measurement for a Diabetes DCM patient. The proposed Smart Monitor System enhances healthcare delivery by communicating patient’s data over three advanced network protocols – Bluetooth 5.0, Wi–Fi module and 4G LTE Mobile connectivity. The implementation of the system is achieved by the modified improved version of pine64 Microsystem and has facility to store the cloud database. If any abnormality, alert notification will be sent to the physician and caregivers / patients for emergency remotely. Based on this information, Doctors will prescribe the medicine to patient .In this framework; several characteristics have been examined to consider particular application such as data speed, power consumption, Data range, Bandwidth, Message capacity, cost and Battery life. In addition to this, the three challenges are scalability, compatibility and interoperability of the pine64 Microsystem achieved in a better way when compared with Arduino and Raspberry pi.
