Design and Modelling of Automatic Temperature Check and Sanitization System Using Raspberry Pi

  • Pranav Kusumkar, V.A. Yaduvanshi, Suraj Laichattiwar, Saurav Waghmare


As COVID19 virus is becoming very threatening, it has made the biggest pandemic ever faced all over the world. The pandemic situation cannot be controlled immediately but by taking safety measurements virus spread and infection can be avoided. Health safety, sanitization and hygiene maintenance must be top priority for all people and should be followed positively. So, to ease the process of safety measurement, this process can be automated with Automatic Temperature check and Sanitization system using Raspberry Pi. With implementation of this system safety of people in the public places can be assured. This system is helpful in body temperature check of people, sanitization and also with the crowd control. This system will ensure that only safe and sanitized people will enter public place such as banks, shops, offices etc. The main advantage of this system is that, it is automatic process so manual work effort, time and human to human virus spread is avoided.
