High Dimensional Health Care Privacy Approach using Blockchain Technology for Emergency Medicine Tracking System

  • Pratiksha Lahamage, Snehal Borhade, Rutuja Kasar, Pooja Rao, Mr. P. B. Vikhe


In the present conditions of a health-aware society, organization of pharmaceutical supply chains has become more complicated because it involves the life-saving of human beings and requires the participation of different collaborators such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, dealers, distributors, patients, information service providers and regulatory companies. Pharmaceutical companies are always the most important providers of the drug supply chain, causing too many risks. These risks break the quantity, quality of supply of medicine, their delivery to the accurate place and at the correct time to the customers. Drug Trafficking is a worldwide illegal business involving the cultivation, manufacturing, distribution and sale of items which are causes to drug prohibition laws. Counterfeit drugs are one of the effects of such limitations within existing supply chains which not only has a serious disadvantageous impact on human’s health but also causes to severe economic loss on the healthcare industries. Accordingly, existing studies have emphasized the need for end- to-end track and detect, a robust system for pharmaceutical supply chains. In that matter, an end-to-end product tracking system across the pharmaceutical supply chain is mainly to ensure product safety and removing counterfeits and drug trafficking issues. In this system we present a Custom blockchain-based approach leveraging smart contracts and decentralized off-chain storage for efficient product traceability in the healthcare supply chain. The Intelligent contract guarantees data provenance, eliminates the need for intermediaries and provides a secure, immutable history of transactions to all stakeholders.
