Assessing Training Need Identification and Analysis in Tata Johnsons Control Automotive Limited

  • Sadhana Jadhav – Tilekar, Manjushri Janardan Yadav


As Human Resources Management (HRM) is a management feature that helps managers recruit, pick, train and cultivate members for an organisation. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the human nature of organisations. Employees are the greatest asset which assists in achieving business objectives.

In this research work, researcher focuses on Training need identification and analysis in Tata Johnsons Control Automotive Limited, Pune based company.

The sample size for this study is 50 workers selected on convenient basis, using non-probability sampling method. The specific objectives include to understand the process of TNIA. To know the training effectiveness is determine in the TNIA process. Identify the area of improvement. Identify the impact of TNI & A on organisations performance.

The finding of the study not only helps Tata Johnsons control Automotive Limited but such related organisations operate with other companies as well.
