Work from Home (WFH): The New Normal?

  • Ms. Dhrupa Bhatia, Prof. Anjali Mote


The study aims at highlighting the worldwide work from home situation set out by the COVID -19 pandemic that has changed the long-held judgment about Work from Home. It possibly looks as though the circumstance won't actually return to how it was: many organizations who have sent all their staff on work from home pattern are now beginning to address why they needed to go in to the workplace in any case.

Today, however, thestudy opinions around WFH aremoving in positivedirection. As COVID-

19 cases have flooded, so have the number of organizations expecting that their employees actually adapt to WFH. Yet, WFH doesn't work for everybody, or for all parts of an organization. The study also focuses on the pros and cons of WFH. It also states that the pandemic isn't over at this point and a few nations are seeing an ascent in contaminations, so we should be cautious and stay adaptable in 2021. To understand the future of flexible working and mainly possibility of WFH initiatives, the said topic for research is chosen.

The study concludes on how should companies be making WFH a part of the overall HR policy

starting from the way it must be planned, implemented (ways in which it can be implemented) and the assessed (i.e., understanding the similarity between Trust Based Working (TBW) and WFH, which involves assessment of employees by leaders on their performance alone rather than the time put in).
