The Role and Importance of Multimedia Software in Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Distance Learning

  • Mirzakarimova Muxabbatxon Maxmud Kizi, Fayziev Rabim Alikulovich


In recent years, improving the quality and efficiency of the education system in our country, the formation of modern knowledge and skills among students, close cooperation and integration between education systems and science, Systematic work is being done to ensure its continuity and continuity. At the same time, the current state of the national education system requires its modernization in accordance with modern requirements, the education of young people as highly educated, physically and spiritually healthy people, the prestige of managers and teachers of educational institutions. increase requires the implementation of consistent measures to create the necessary conditions for their effective operation.

Aim: to substantiate the role and importance of the creation and use of multimedia programs, multimedia educational and methodological complexes in improving the quality and effectiveness of distance learning, as well as to give recommendations on distance learning.

Methods: Experimental-test and comparative research methods, survey and observation methods were used, which can be applied in the study of improving the quality and effectiveness of distance education.

Conclusion: The creation and use of multimedia training courses open up great opportunities for local computers and the Internet. Placing multimedia training courses on the worldwide computer network, which allows them to be applied directly in the educational process, allows students to find, search for information, and also shape and expand educational activities. When creating multimedia training courses, first of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the interactive components created by various software tools. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of distance learning has expanded. This, in turn, requires the development of multimedia programs to improve the quality and efficiency of distance learning.
