Design of Rapid Internet of Device for Real Time Health Status Monitoring

  • Bhavani G., Sangeetha A., Apsara M.


The  Development  of  computer  technology  “Internet  of  Things”  has  made  virtual  health monitoring  possible  without  any  interruption  to  the  patients  and  doctors  though  physically separated.   IOT  is  the  state  of  the  art  modern  technology  spanning  many  applications  in health industry as number of chronic diseases are increasing compared to the global population.  Virtual health care systems extend numerous including Design of virtual  assistance to  aged people, Design of real time monitoring, Design of guidance and reporting systems, Design of Seamless diagnosis  through  connectivity  by  communication  protocols  system,  Design  of  Health  care  data  analytic system, Design of Quick Diagnosing and Decision Systems and Design of Medical Data Research  System  etc.,.  In  this  paper  a  rapid  IOT  device  is  designed  to  remotely  monitor  the  internal heat level and heartbeat rate of the individuals using heat and pulse rate sensors.  This work will facilitate the timely monitoring, analysis and data driven decisions based on the health status of the individuals, also it establishes timely interaction of sensors, processor and thing speak with the human involving patients and doctors.
