Campus Connect: A cross platform Question and Answering app with Recommendation System

  • Jayesh Kale, Hetansh Bharad, Sourav Ghatage, Soham Meher, Dr.Shwetambari Chiwhane


Question and answer (Q&A) forums are getting bigger day by day as number of internet user increases every user will have a specific and new problem which is either already solved or yet to be solved. So for creating a platform for college student where they can find all the relatable questions and also ask questions about the studies whose answer can be given by the community. In this paper we are focusing on the implementation survey on various features and technology which are involved in creating a forum with a recommendation engine. Explained steps are Recommendation engine, Leading user detecting, FAQ detection and Open Information extraction system. Based on the analysis, the ideal process and procedure is acknowledged, which will make the forum effective and used in all devices.
