Honeyword Security using EBCDIC

  • Sumit Pravin Rathi, Patel Rutu Manish, Arivoli A.


Password breach is a frequent and common phenomenon in software applications. These breaches are sometimes undiscovered for years. Many times, the users as well as companies are unaware of these unhandled breaches and they are not much interested in reporting or building up against them. Hence, there is a  requirement for a robust system that could detect these breaches efficiently. Honeyword generation is one such technique to mitigate the risk of password breaches. Honeywords are fake, hashed character strings that are stored in databases which makes it difficult for the attacker to predict the correct password. As it is essential for a system to withstand brute force attack and provide better security, we propose honeyword generation approach using EBCDIC values which will randomly generate numbers to form sweet words, which is a file with all the honeywords and valid passwords altogether.
