FEA of Aluminium Based Alloyed Wheel Rim of Passenger Vehicle
In this paper, Finite element analysis (FEA) of a passenger vehicle wheel rim made of Aluminium alloy has been carried out to simulate the load conditions and boundary conditions of ‘Dynamic Radial Fatigue Test’. The aim is to find how able the wheel structure is to take the above mentioned loads and hence to predict the critical locations having maximum stress and deformation respectively and whether the structure is failing or safe under these loads. Static structural analysis has been done with two different wheel disc thicknesses to see the effect on stresses developed. The paper presents every step involved in FEA in detail and stress and deformation distribution throughout the wheel structure has been shown in result section through different plots. The solid modelling of the wheel rim is carried out in SOLIDWORKS 2016 and finite element static structural analysis in ANSYS Workbench 16.0 software.