Design and Analysis On Effects of Different Fin Perforations
In many engineering applications extended surfaces known as fins, are used to enhance convective heat transfer. The problem of natural convection heat transfer for perforated fins was investigated in this work. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the natural convection heat transfer in a rectangular fin plate with no perforations ,square perforations, triangular perforation and circular perforations. The investigation is conducted to compare heat transfer rate of different fins embedded with different types of perforations. Experimental results shows the temperatures distribution and heat transfer coefficient calculated using Ansys Workbench 19.2 and Furthermore, for different perforation , the heat transfer rate and the coefficient of heat transfer also varied giving better results. The work done on various types of fins, effect of perforation shape or geometry on the heat transfer was simulated in ANSYS to determine best type of fin to be used.The comparison between experimental result and software result between the types of fins perforation was analysed for the heat transfer coefficient to clarify the best perforation shape for the required application.The experimental was reported for temperature distributions when the heat supplied are respectively. The overall conclusion shows different perforations analysed and their results are tabulated.