Smartphone Integrated Smart Helmet for Real-time Detection, Prevention and Reporting of Accidents.

  • Sarasija Arvind Parakkal ,Priyanka Vikram Avhad ,Vishakha Dhole ,Yash Raikar Prof B.B. Gite


In this paper we have analyzed the various approaches that have been used in the past to create a smart helmet. The research helps us to realize the various technologies that can be used and how the helmet functions can be optimized for better results. Our intention is to develop a Smart helmet that is integrated with an android application. The main objective of this smart helmet is to ensure the safety of the driver by sensing the variations in speed and alerting the driver, detecting the accident and reporting them within the minimum time. The smart helmet uses pressure sensors, speed sensors, front and rear view cameras, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. to gather data on speed of the vehicle, location, force of the accident, images of the location and other such information that can be used to prevent or detect an accident.   
